
我们查明了你慢性盆腔疼痛的原因. Our experts use advanced skills and techniques to make an accurate diagnosis and provide a comprehensive treatment plan that delivers relief.



皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康慢性盆腔疼痛项目, our specialists diagnose and treat an array of common and complex pelvic pain disorders. Chronic (long-term) pelvic pain rarely results from issues in only one part of the body, so we bring together a team with diverse training to customize your care.

Together, we help you get an accurate diagnosis and find pain relief. Our coordinated, compassionate care team gives you hope, even when other approaches haven’t worked.


综合评估: 为您提供完整准确的诊断, we perform a thorough evaluation of your 整体健康状况和症状. We assess everything that could contribute to your pain to develop a successful treatment plan.

多学科的方法: 我们的团队包括高度专业化的妇科医生, 心理学家, 外科医生, 物理治疗师和麻醉师. 我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的专家合作 妇女盆腔健康中心Vatche和Tamar Manoukian消化疾病科.

前沿的治疗: Our specialists use the latest therapies and research to develop your personalized treatment plan. 我们提供预付款, laparoscopic or robotic-assisted surgery for endometriosis treatment, 这样切口更少,恢复更快.

协调护理: 如果你的治疗需要其他专业的护理, our extensive referral network means we can connect you with available providers. We maintain communication with this extended team to ensure thorough, timely attention to your needs.


Our specialists know that many factors contribute to persistent pelvic pain. 采用协调的团队方法, we determine exactly what causes and worsens your pain so we can provide expert, 有效的治疗.

Chronic pelvic pain specialists ask you questions about your medical history, 整体健康状况和症状. We then perform a physical exam designed specifically for pain assessment. We also use tests to help us confirm your diagnosis and rule out other conditions, including:

诊断性神经阻滞 麻痹可能引起疼痛的神经

核磁共振成像 扫描 to look for abnormalities and damaged nerves in the pelvic region

疼痛映射 to determine what tissues, organs and nerves may be involved in pelvic pain

盆腔超声检查 to produce detailed images of your reproductive organs and surrounding tissues, 所以我们可以检查他们的健康


Chronic pain refers to any pain that affects you for a long time, 通常超过三到六个月. 我们的慢性盆腔疼痛项目, we treat a range of conditions that cause pelvic pain and symptoms ranging from mild to severe.

Conditions we treat include abnormalities of the uterus, such as:

  • Adenomyosis (cells from the lining of the uterus grow into the muscle of the uterus)
  • Endometriosis (cells from the lining of the uterus grow outside the uterus)
  • 肌瘤 (noncancerous growths made of muscle and tissue form in or around the uterus)
  • 痛经(痛经)


  • 膀胱疼痛综合征(经常膀胱受压或疼痛)
  • 肠易激综合症(IBS)
  • 卵巢囊肿
  • Nerve pain caused by problems with abdominal or pelvic nerves
  • 外阴和阴道疼痛


  • Pelvic congestion syndrome (varicose veins around the ovaries)
  • 盆底肌肉疼痛和功能异常
  • 盆腔肌肉损伤或外伤


外阴疼痛 is a condition that causes discomfort or pain around the opening of the vagina. You may experience a burning or stinging sensation, or have redness and irritation in the area. 许多患有这种疾病的女性都会经历性疼痛, 膀胱症状和外阴周围极度敏感.


性疼痛 (dysparenunia) refers to persistent pain with intercourse or vaginal penetration. A number of conditions may cause this genital pain before, during or after sexual experiences. Our specialists provide a safe, understanding environment to discuss your symptoms. 我们会和你一起找出根本原因.


使用最新疗法, we develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses all of the factors contributing to chronic (long-term) pain. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们提供非手术和, 在必要的时候, 慢性盆腔疼痛的外科治疗. With our extensive network of experts, we can also refer you to subspecialties when needed.


Our specialists may recommend a range of treatments to target the cause of pain and provide relief. 您可能会收到:

  • 激素疗法  
  • 注射(神经阻滞)
  • 药物治疗
  • 物理治疗处方
  • Pain-specific mental health support, such as cognitive behavioral therapy

We also may recommend complementary methods to treat pain and other symptoms. 这些可能包括:


We offer minimally invasive procedures to remove endometriosis tissue, 异常的囊肿, 肿瘤或肌瘤. These techniques allow us to make fewer, smaller incisions, and help you recover faster.

In some cases, we may recommend traditional (open) surgery if needed. Our skilled specialists have extensive experience treating both common and complex conditions that cause chronic pelvic pain.


Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when tissue lining the inside of your uterus (endometrium) grows outside of the uterus, 引起炎症和疼痛. If you are diagnosed with endometriosis, our specialists may recommend medication, surgery or both.

治疗可能包括激素疗法, 比如节育(避孕), progestins (to change the lining of your uterus) or antihormone therapy. For severe endometriosis, our chronic pelvic pain team may recommend minimally invasive surgery.

Our 外科医生 specialize in an image-guided, laparoscopic or robotic-assisted approach. 在需要的时候, this technique allows 外科医生 to treat your pain while sparing surrounding healthy tissue. It also results in smaller incisions and a faster recovery than traditional (open) surgery.


当你来皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心治疗慢性盆腔疼痛时, you receive care from an experienced and compassionate team of specialists. Our extensive network also allows us to connect with other subspecialties, 这样你就能在需要的时候得到你需要的照顾.


呼叫 310-794-7274 to request an appointment with a chronic pelvic pain specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


要了解更多关于慢性盆腔疼痛的服务,请致电 310-794-7274.