
Using AI assistance for identifying cancerous tissue was 45 times more accurate than doctors’ measurements alone
前列腺癌细胞的三维图像. 图片来源:Shutterstock.

Investigators from 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 found using artificial intelligence to help map out the boundaries of cancerous prostate tissue can significantly reduce the risk of underestimating the extent of prostate cancer an advancement that can help ensure an accurate diagnosis, precise treatment planning and effective surgical procedures.

通过使用人工智能来辅助癌症轮廓, the researchers found predicting the cancer size was 45 times more accurate and consistent than when physicians used only conventional clinical imaging and blood tests to predict the cancer extent.

研究结果发表在《皇冠hga025》杂志上 泌尿外科杂志

“Accurately determining the extent of prostate cancer is crucial for treatment planning, as different stages may require different approaches such as active surveillance, 手术, 局部治疗, 放射治疗, 激素疗法, 化疗, 或者这些治疗的组合,研究作者说 Dr. 韦恩布里斯班, assistant professor of urology at the David Geffen 医学院 at UCLA and member of the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心

Assessing the extent of prostate cancer is a complex task and typically requires a surgeon to consider various diagnostic tests such as a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test, 像核磁共振成像这样的成像检查, CT扫描, and other clinical features simultaneously to determine the aggressiveness of the cancer cells.

医生往往依赖肿瘤的MRI表现, but the true extent of the prostate cancer can be “MRI-invisible” causing physicians to underestimate the tumor size, 注意到布里斯班. 人工智能可以帮助解决这个具有挑战性的问题.

The new AI system, developed by researchers at UCLA and Avenda Health, has already shown to better define the margins of prostate cancer than MRI, demonstrating the potential of AI to help improve minimally invasive treatment approaches like 局部治疗, which is a relatively new approach for treating prostate cancer that aims to eliminate the cancer cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. 然而, 在这项研究之前, characterizing the performance of the AI system in the hands of physicians was previously not tested.

In order to evaluate the cancer contouring and clinical decision-making of physicians with and without AI software, the researchers conducted a multi-reader-multi-case study that compared cognitive and hemi-gland contouring methodologies to AI-assisted contours. 

Seven urologists and three radiologists from different hospitals with varying levels of experience ranging from two to 23 years reviewed cases of 50 patients who had undergone a prostatectomy but who might have been eligible for 局部治疗.

Each case included images from a specific type of MRI scan called T2-weighted MRI, along with outlines of the prostate gland and areas where cancer was suspected, 还有一份活检报告.

第一个, the physicians looked at the images and manually drew outlines around the suspected cancerous areas, 旨在概括所有重大疾病. 然后, 至少要等四个星期, 他们重新审查了同样的案件, this time using AI software to assist them in identifying the cancerous areas.

An analysis was then completed to evaluate the accuracy and negative margin rate 这表明 是否所有癌变组织都被发现 每种方法绘制的癌症轮廓图. 

The researchers found when using conventional means, doctors only achieved a negative margin 1.6%的时间. 在人工智能的帮助下,这个数字增加到72.8%.

“We saw the use of AI assistance made doctors both more accurate and more consistent, meaning doctors tended to agree more when using AI assistance,希亚姆·纳塔拉扬说, 泌尿外科助理教授, 手术, 生物工程和这项研究的资深作者.

The team also found that the use of AI increased clinician recommendations for 局部治疗 among patients with unilateral cancer and reduced variation in accurate tumor encapsulation, which could help reduce the risk of side effects commonly associated with more aggressive treatments like 手术 or 放射治疗.

“总的来说, the use of AI in cancer treatment could lead to more effective and personalized care for patients, with treatments that are better tailored to their individual needs and more successful in fighting the disease,布里斯班说.

The study was funded in part by the National 癌症 Institute at the National Institutes of Health.

The study’s co-first authors are Sakina Mohammed Mota and Alan Priester, from Avenda Health. Other authors include James Sayre from UCLA and Joshua Shubert, Jeremey Bong and Brittany Berry-Pusey from Avenda Health.

Conflicts of Interest: Mota, Priester, Shubert, and Bong are employees of Avenda Health. Berry-Pusey and Natarajan are cofounders of Avenda Health. Sayre是Avenda Health的顾问.